
數碼轉型及MBA 課程

我們相信很多企業也因為疫情的影響下,紛紛都開始借助數碼平台來營運生意,又或者從事相關工作希望可以平步青雲,我們IdeaCray 打算協助大家進行數碼轉型,並且能夠更上一層樓。


因此我們的課程包羅了一系列的MBA 課程以及數碼轉型相關的知識、上市公司成立的知識等。




學習MBA 管理知識





我們是一年的課程,一共 6個課程,每星期一個課節,兩小時一堂,共四堂。


  1. Be able to analyze key external influences on an organisation’s strategy.
  2. Be able to appraise strategic options for an organisation.
  3. Be able to evaluate various tools and approaches to a strategy implementation plan.
  4. Be able to develop and implement a strategic organisational change management plan.
  5. Be able to monitor and control the implementation of strategic plans.
  1. Understand the principles, concepts, differences, and approaches to contemporary leadership.
  2. Understand how leadership influences individuals, teams and the organisation.
  3. Understand the impact of leadership on organisational performance.
  4. Understand ethical decision making and organisational value.
    1. Understand the role of management of human resources.
    2. Be able to create a human resource plan for an organisation.
    3. Understand the role of legal and ethical issues in developing human resources policy.
    4. Be able to plan develop human resource strategies.
    5. Understand HRM approaches within organisations and their relationships with organisational performance.
    1. Be able to develop research approaches in a relevant context.
    2. Be able to critically review literature on a relevant research topic.
    3. Be able to design business research methodologies.
    4. Be able to develop a research proposal.
    1. Understand the relationship between supply chain management, operations management and organisational business objectives.
    2. Be able to critically analyze the role of technology in supplier relationships.
    3. Be able to critically analyze the importance of logistics and procurement in supply chain management.
    4. Be able to develop a systematic order of procurement and inventory control.
    5. Be able to develop a strategy to improve an organisation’s supply chain.
    1. Be able to evaluate change agents’ knowledge, attributes skills and development.
    2. Be able to critically analyze approaches to organisational change and their processes.
    3. Be able to create a plan and implement effective change within an organisation.
    4. Be able to analyse stakeholder responses to organisational change.
    5. Be able to involve functional areas in an organisation’s change management


FAQ 常見問題


我們的課程會有重溫的安排,學生可以先行註冊學習平台(Learning Management System)以登記該課程,我們會有最少一個月的課程重溫時間。

完成課程後會獲取由英國評核機構所頒發的Othm Level 7 的證書,同時我們也會協助大家直接Top-up 於英國大學。



如果確認報讀MBA,我們會一次性(沒有任何附加費用)形式收取費用以協助大家報考MBA 以及提供學術支援。

我們接受多個支付方法,包括銀行轉帳、Payme, FPS, 電子支付等 — Paypal, Stripe, Alipay, Wechat pay and Union Pay, etc.


我們的課程會提供授課內容、學術支援以協助大家完成OTHM Level 7 的證書以Top-up 英國大學的碩士工商管理學位。

我們的課程可以Top-up 英國的大學 UK University of Chichester

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World Degree programs are world-wide recognized and authorised by OTHM, PEARSON, BTEC, NCC. The programs are regulated by Ofqual (England), SQA Accreditation (Scotland), CCEA Accreditation (Northern Ireland) and Qualifications Wales (Wales). We offer academic and vocational qualifications that are globally recognised.

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