我們幫助你改變未來 — 不一樣的學習
我們打算將IdeaCray 的課程分開兩個部分,第一個部分是針對於年輕人以及有夢想的朋友,他們可能暫時只有一個想法又或者什麼想法構思都沒有,就是想改變自己,想去創業之類,這些都是我們的對象,因此教育部分是由Level 1 – Level 4,大概的課程內容如下:
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Writing a Winning Business Plan
- Rapid Prototyping for Entrepreneurs
- Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML 5 and CSS 3
- The Modern Python Programming
- Cloud Technology
- Mastering Agile Project Management
- Creating Amazing WordPress Websites
- Digital Advertising and Marketing
- Building an Impressive E-Commerce store
- Big Data and Business Intelligence
- Modern Artificial Intelligence