另外一個部分是分拆為 Level 5 – Level 7 的朋友,一方面是協助中小企或者想轉型的朋友,另一方面是想進行上市或者建立獨角獸企業的朋友,因此這個課程的內容更加豐富而且困難,課程內容如下:
- Modern Digital Business Environment
- The Secrets of Selling
- Digital Marketing using Artificial Intelligence
- Master Business Transformation : Change Management
- Operations Management for Business Excellence
- Organizational Design, Change, Leadership and Culture
- Business Analysis Modelling Skills and Techniques
- Business information system : Design, Approach and Components
- Finance, Accounting and Portfolio Management
- Blockchain and Digital Currency
- Growing Business by Franchising and Licensing
- Seeking IPO, M&A and SPAC Opportunities